Important Instructions

Please, follow all instructions to ensure your surgery goes smoothly. Contact your provider or anesthesiologist if you have any questions.

Do NOT Eat or Drink

Please, be sure not to have ANYTHING to eat or drink after midnight the night before your procedure. This includes candy and gum. Any deviation from this may cause your surgery to be delayed or canceled.

Dress Comfortably

Please, wear loose and comfortable clothing; usually a buttoned baggy shirt and loose comfortable sweat pants. Remove anybody piercings or jewelry prior to coming in for your procedure.

Bring Medications

Bring all prescribed and over-the-counter medications you take with you to your appointment. Your provider will have given you instructions on which medications to continue and discontinue prior to the day of surgery.

Bring Help

Please, be sure to have an adult available to drive you home from the surgery and remain with you for the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Do not drive if you are taking pain medication, as this may result in altering your ability to operate machinery.

What to Expect

Surgery Appointment
Prior to procedure

Scheduled for Surgery

The provider completing your procedure will schedule your appointment with All Star Anesthesia after discussing all of your options with you. This may be at any time prior to the procedure from months in advance to, in some cases, the day of the procedure.

Provider Pre-Operative Interview
Prior to procedure

Medical History

Inform the provider completing the procedure of ALL medical history, past and present. This should include any medications, surgeries, treated AND untreated medical conditions. You may not speak to your anesthesiologist prior to the day of surgery, therefore, the provider completing the procedure will inform them if needed. Your procedure may be postponed or cancelled if ALL history isn’t discover prior to the day of.

2 days prior to procedure

Confirm Appointment

The provider completing your procedure will call you to confirm your appointment a couple of days prior to your procedure. Call them to confirm if you do not hear from the by the day prior. Make sure you have received all anesthesia instructions. Inform them if there has been any changes in your medical history, including a current infection or asthma attack. Your appointment may be cancelled if your provider is unable to reach you to confirm.

Anesthesiologist Pre-Operative Interview
Procedure day

Medical History and Physical

The anesthesiologist will review your medical history with you and do a physical exam. They will evaluate you for acute or chronic conditions that puts you at risk for complications. If they discover a concern, you may be rescheduled to optimize any health condition to prevent serious complications. They will also ensure you have follow all anesthesia instructions. If you have eaten food or drunk fluids, your procedure may be delayed or rescheduled.


Anesthesia & Surgery Start

If you are okay for anesthesia and the procedure, the anesthesia will start the anesthetic. A relaxant is usually given first for your comfort. The anesthesiologist will let the provider performing the procedure know when you are ready for the procedure. The anesthesiologist will monitor your vitals and medial status throughout the procedure. They will treat any abnormalities that may arise.

Procedure day

Coming out of Anesthesia

The anesthesiologist will transport you to recovery when the procedure is complete. Recovery staff will monitor your vitals and medial status in recovery under the supervision of the anesthesiologist.

Procedure day

Instructions and Dismissal

The recovery staff will inform the anesthesiologist when they feel you are ready for discharge. The anesthesiologist will check you personally to ensure discharge is adequate. If so, you will be given discharge instructions and sent home.

Post-Operative Follow-Up
After the procedure

Follow-Up Call

The staff will call you within 24 hours of the procedure to follow-up with you for any signs of complications from the procedure or anesthesia. If any problem arises prior to receiving the call, you may call the provider who completed the procedure directly. In cases of emergency, dial 911.